
Inspired by Kevan Worley Folks who listen to our podcast or regularly notice our social media know that we have recently been spending a great deal time following Jessica’s training and, completion of her WE Fit 50 race on Saturday July 29th. Jessica is a true champion. She’s not my inspiration because she is blind, … [Read more…]


STRONGER Training for the Pikes Peak Ultra has given me a lot of time to think and self-reflect. When running with guide, Tim Gore, there is plenty of time to be ridiculously silly and then still reflect some more. When I am out on the trail for 6 or 7 hours, sometimes I ask myself, … [Read more…]

The Year of the Dog

by Kevan Worley WE Fit Wellness is nothing if not fun! After all, one of the critical credentials enjoyed by our team is Jessica’s designation as a recreational therapist, among her other qualifications. Yay! She teaches us all that there is no wellness without fun. The holidays are about both fun and reflection. Reflecting on … [Read more…]